This 1961 photo posted on the Histoire du Plateau blog took me right back to childhood. Anybody else remember the zoo in the north (Rachel St.) end of La Fontaine Park? It had a distinctly biblical theme, with an ark full of goats and sheep and a giant whale whose mouth you could walk into. Inside was an aquarium full of goldfish, as I recall. It seemed to me that the zoo was closed in the early 1980s, but Wikipedia assets that it remained open until 1989. Can that be right?
My friend Noni's parents lived in a triplex on Christophe-Colomb a little north of the park. She says you could hear the peacocks squawking at all hours of the day.
Of course today the zoo has serves as a playground for the offspring of the Plateau bourgeoisie.
Mom used to take us there. I loved it. My most clear memory is of my brother Philip in a harness and on a leash heading for the pond (mom had foresight).
When Jim lived half a block away in the 1980s, you could still hear the peacocks squawking. I can't remember which year they shut it down and sent the animals to Angrignon farm, but they didn't stay there long, I don't think.