The snow is gone from my south-facing back yard, but I'm obsessed with the shady side yard. It still has a stubborn crust of ice and snow.
When Clancy, my beloved 16-year-old mutt, died last year (okay that's not quite true, I had him euthanized here at home by a vet) we dug a big ol' hole in the solid clay and buried him in the side yard under the lilacs. I then planted a garden over top.
All last fall that patch of land looked like a slick, muddy mess, but I'm pretty sure it will be beautiful come spring. I placed some large jagged rocks around the bed, then sowed Asian poppy seeds that my sister in Calgary semt with assurances that they will spread like wildfire. I planted ornamental grasses, yarrow and Russian sage.
Yesterday's rain did a job on the snow and today I can see lots of crocuses and early bulbs sending out strong green shoots.
This year, I'm taking my gardening cues from this guy profiled in the Sunday Times. He says gardening should be slow, easy and green. I'm done nurturing roses. My ongoing battle with goat weed is a thing of the past. This year, easy does it in my garden. I might even try making a bottle tree.
By the way, this is my favorite Montreal garden centre. You need a car to get there, but it is totally worth the trip.